Friday Jul 29, 2022
Europe is us! Episode 12: Holiday destinations
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European Year of Youth.
The podcast discusses themes that interest the youth: from the problem of expensive housing to traps on social media, remote schooling, participation in politics to job opportunities and the importance of mental health.
In each episode, we host a guest who describes his experiences through the perspective of a young person. By talking to youth from different countries, we try to include as many different views.
In the twelfth episode, we are looking for relaxing holiday destinations. Which are the best ones in Montenegro? Our guest: Katica Nišavić.
In our regular section The Voice of Gen Z, we find space for voices of young people around Europe that are closely connected with the discussed theme. This time, we are travelling to Bulgaria, where Kristiyan told us why he enjoys travelling by train.
In our regular section The Watchdog’s Perspective, we are talking to journalists, the watchdogs of the society, from different countries in order to better understand different environments and see the bigger picture of occurring problems. Jonė Sąlygaitė from Žiniu radijas, based in Lithuania, presented a few must see destinations in Lithuania.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić.