Tuesday May 30, 2023
Europe is us! Episode 29: Homophobia
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 29th episode, Homophobia, we talked to Javier Marquez Muñoz, a Spanish journalist. He told us about the violent homophobic attacks across Spain, the influence of religion on public opinion, but also the differences between urban communities and Spanish villages.
In this episode, you can also hear from Manuel Moreira, a Portuguese actor promoting equality, and Florin Buhuceanu, who is the president of the ACCEPT Association, the first non-governmental human rights organization in Romania that defends LGBTIQA+ rights on the national level.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Egoitz Bengoetxea on Shutterstock.