Monday Jun 26, 2023
Europe is us! Episode 31: Sleep
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 31st episode, Sleep, we talked to Krzysztof Nakonieczny, a content creator from Poland. How does his work affect his sleep? Did he sleep better in his student days? How big of a role does coffee play when it comes to sleep quality? Listen to Krzysztof's answers, to find out.
In this episode, you can also hear from Laurin John, a German Co-Host of Europe Is Us podcast, who reflects on his high caffeine consumption, while Cyprien, a student from Strasbourg, shares his experience of using a phone to control his sleep time.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: tommaso79 on Shutterstock.