Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Europe is us! Episode 41: Privacy
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 41st episode, Privacy, we talked to Triine Kose, Student of Information, Society and Social Wellbeing at Tartu University in Estonia. What is she cautious about regarding her personal data on her social media accounts? If the product is free, are we the product? Listen to the podcast to find out more.
In this episode, you can also hear Marko Puschner, independent professional associate at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, who is also Content Coordinator at Safe.si – Slovenian Internet Safe Use Awareness Point. You can take a listen at his comment on privacy protection culture in Slovenia.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: SpeedKingz on Shutterstock.