Europe is us!

Europe is us! An international podcast focusing on youth. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić.

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Tuesday Sep 05, 2023

Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 34th episode, Young Europeans and Drugs, we talked to Marko Verdenik, who is working at DrogArt, a Slovenian social enterprise focused on limiting the use of drugs. How do they connect with youth through music festivals? Is the use of drugs spreading out from urban communities to Slovenian villages? How to help an overdosed person? Listen to the podcast to find out more.
In this episode, you can also hear from Diana, a 17-year-old from Bulgaria, who shares why Bulgarian youth seek drugs. She adds that depression and sadness are a part of a trend in her social circle nowadays. 
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Branislav Cerven on Shutterstock.

Wednesday Jul 19, 2023

Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 33rd episode, Love and Relationships, we talked to Sacha Loison, a student from France. What is he looking for in a relationship? Is he thinking about marriage and children in his student days?
In this episode, you can also hear from Eric Hegmann, a podcaster, couples therapist, and author from Germany, who says that two-thirds of young Germans actually want marriage and that a good third finds marriage totally outdated. Aljoša, an almost 19 years old Slovenian student, shares why honesty in relationships is important to him.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: - Yuri A.

Sunday Jul 09, 2023

Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 32nd episode, Vocational Skills, we talked to Dimitris Athanasiadis, a Greek student looking for opportunities around Europe. How important were trainings for his field of studies? What's the educational system in Greece like, why do many young people from Greece have to seek job positions elsewhere?
In this episode, you can also hear from Nuno Crato, former Portuguese minister for Education and Science, who presented the number of professional courses students in Portugal, and Daniel David, professor of clinical psychology and psychotherapy at the University of Cluj-Napoca, who explained the importance of not ignoring declarative knowledge.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Bizi88 on Shutterstock.

Monday Jun 26, 2023

Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 31st episode, Sleep, we talked to Krzysztof Nakonieczny, a content creator from Poland. How does his work affect his sleep? Did he sleep better in his student days? How big of a role does coffee play when it comes to sleep quality? Listen to Krzysztof's answers, to find out.
In this episode, you can also hear from Laurin John, a German Co-Host of Europe Is Us podcast, who reflects on his high caffeine consumption, while Cyprien, a student from Strasbourg, shares his experience of using a phone to control his sleep time. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: tommaso79 on Shutterstock.

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023

Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 30th episode, Sports, we talked to Jussi Vainikka, a contributor for Finnish Yle, interested in football. Is money a common motivation to go into sports? How important is family support for young athletes? Listen to Jussi's answers, to find out.
In this episode, you can also hear from Vitor Pataco, President of the Portuguese Institute for Sports and Youth (IPDJ), who told us about "All in", a program focusing on gender parity. Gabriel Bitan, a performance athlete from Romania, told us how important passion is in sports.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Drazen Zigic on Shutterstock.

Tuesday May 30, 2023

Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 29th episode, Homophobia, we talked to Javier Marquez Muñoz, a Spanish journalist. He told us about the violent homophobic attacks across Spain, the influence of religion on public opinion, but also the differences between urban communities and Spanish villages.
In this episode, you can also hear from Manuel Moreira, a Portuguese actor promoting equality, and Florin Buhuceanu, who is the president of the ACCEPT Association, the first non-governmental human rights organization in Romania that defends LGBTIQA+ rights on the national level.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Egoitz Bengoetxea on Shutterstock.

Friday May 05, 2023

Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 28th episode, Gaming Without Shaming, we talked to Mihail Ivanov, a 17-years old gamer from Bulgaria. We talked about the influence of video games on youth, online socialization, learning languages, and discovering historical facts through gaming, but also online violence and actions to stop it.
In this episode, you can also hear from Gonçalo and Kamil, young gamers from Portugal and Poland, who agree that games have many positive aspects to them and that the number of women playing them is growing each day.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: AlessandroBiascioli on Shutterstock.

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023

Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 27th episode, we are discussing the lack of trust in science, conspiracy theories among youth, and the importance of communication channels regarding scientific explanations. We talked to Boris Abramović, a Croatian journalist at, who says Croatians were scared of the pandemic because of the communication style of Croatian politics, and the media later on as well. In this episode, you can also listen to M. D. Plamen Panayotov, who received an award for administering the largest number of vaccines against COVID-19 of all family doctors in Bulgaria, who says Bulgarians don't trust their government therefore they don't trust scientists as well, and Tiago Correira, an International Health professor at IHMT-NOVA and editor-in-chief of the international academic magazine Journal of Health Planning and Management. He pointed out that Portugal is a story of success when it comes to vaccination rates during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Khakimullin Aleksandr on Shutterstock.

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023

Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. Our guest this time was Esra Karakuş, a student from Strasbourg who still hasn't decided where she'd like to work. She does see herself in diplomacy, though. With her, we discussed the job market in Strasbourg and the importance of finishing studies and having work experience before applying for a job.
In The Watchdog's Perspective, we heard from Adam, a young journalist from Poland, who shared his career uncertainty with us; he wanted to be a programmer before, a cartoonist even. He ended up enjoying his role as a journalist.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: sirtravelalot on Shutterstock.

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023

Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. Our guest this time is Rachel Rochelle, who came to Sweden from Uganda; she took a look back at her journey and commented on the biggest differences between the two countries, issues with documents and schooling she is facing, and the importance of her family being beside her in the time of her migration transition.
In The Watchdog's Perspective, we listened to an interview prepared by Myriam Baele, a journalist at RTBF, the Belgian public broadcaster. She talked to Sian, who traveled for 11 months to reach Belgium, about his dreams and the meaning of a successful life for him.
And Alexandra Crivilaru from JRS, a refugee service in Romania, tells us that many young migrants in Romania go from saying: "I know that I will return home", to changing this phrase to: "I will make a living here, in Romania."
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Mehmet Ali Poyraz on Shutterstock.


Europe is us!

An international podcast focusing on youth brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić.

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