
Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
What was the Europe of yesterday, what is the Europe of today, and what will the Europe of tomorrow be like? We talked to three different generations from several EU member states in our final Europe Is Us episode. Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: D Busquets on Shutterstock.

Thursday Nov 28, 2024
Thursday Nov 28, 2024
How is youth handling the marketing bombing? Do we know how to fight disinformation in the marketing field? How does European youth consume, what convinces them to buy or not to buy? Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Yuri A_ on Shutterstock.

Thursday Nov 14, 2024
Thursday Nov 14, 2024
Why are abortion rights important? Who is fighting for them and who is opposing them? What is the My Voice My Choice initiative? Listen to our international podcast on youth. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Larisa Rudenko on Shutterstock.

Monday Oct 28, 2024
Monday Oct 28, 2024
What is Generation Z eating and how healthy is their diet? How does social media influence their food choices and what is it like inside the modelling industry?
Listen to our international podcast on youth. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Alessandro Biascioli on Shutterstock.

Monday Oct 14, 2024
Monday Oct 14, 2024
Is today's youth finding spirituality in religion or elsewhere? How is social media affecting the field? Are family values still of great influence? What does religion bring to everyday life of a young person?
Listen to our international podcast on youth. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Zigres on Shutterstock.

Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Should internships be paid? Who should be offering them? What does German youth expect from them? Is it easy to find them?
Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Arthur Bargan on Shutterstock.

Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Does schooling today provide the right skills and knowledge for the EU economy of tomorrow? Is homework necessary? How is the schooling system in Slovenia developing? Should media literacy be taught at schools, and by who?
Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Ground Picture on Shutterstock.

Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Is Gen Z as passionate about volunteering as previous generations? What are the benefits of volunteering? How constraining is the question of time and money? In what do rural and urban areas in the Netherlands differ when it comes to volunteering?
Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Wavebreakmedia on Shutterstock.

Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Is Generation Z ready to bring children into this world? We talked to Mathilde Contensou, a student from France making her first steps into politics. Is financial crisis the main reason for doubt of having a family? How divided is French youth?
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our podcast on international youth, with the first part of the season focusing on young people and politics.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: fizkes on Shutterstock.

Thursday Jun 20, 2024
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
Who are Europe's first-time voters and why did they vote? We talked to Simon Trussevich, President of the Intergenerational Coalition of Slovenia. How did his generation prepare to vote for the first time? Which political priorities attract him? Why more EU and not less?
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our podcast on international youth, with the first part of the season focusing on young people and politics, in the run-up to the European elections.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Yiorgos GR on Shutterstock.

Friday Jun 07, 2024
Friday Jun 07, 2024
How are political parties trying to reach youth through political messages and what works? We talked to Chiara Merlin, a Junior Researcher at Italian think tank Mondo Internazionale, and a United Nations volunteer. What kind of messages reach Chiara? Is her algorithm leading her to one side only or is it wider? How old do you really have to be to participate in Italian politics?
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our podcast on international youth, with the first part of the season focusing on young people and politics, in the run-up to the European elections.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: GaudiLab on Shutterstock.

Thursday May 23, 2024
Thursday May 23, 2024
Is climate crisis moving down the priority lane of polirt? We talk to Cass Hebron, a climate activist from Belgium and editor of The Green Fix, a climate newsletter. How has war in Ukraine affected the presence of climate topics in politics? How to communicate climate and why do we need to focus on it
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our podcast on international youth, with the first part of the season focusing on young people and politics, in the run-up to the European elections.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Piyaset on Shutterstock.

Thursday May 02, 2024
Thursday May 02, 2024
How is the EU reaching its youth? We talk to Mia Bradić, a climate activist and feminist from Croatia. Is the EU working in the direction of acknowledging her values? What was life in Croatia, the last country to enter the EU, like before and after joining the EU on the 1st of July 2013?
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our podcast on international youth, with the first part of the season focusing on young people and politics, in the run-up to the European elections.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Kzenon on Shutterstock.

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Why democracy as it is? We talk to Mira Kokko, a Students Union Board member at Tampere University in Finland. Is the voice of youth heard in the current democratic system? How do politics engage with young people in Finland?
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our podcast on international youth, with the first part of the season focusing on young people and politics, in the run-up to the European elections.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: FabrikaSimf on Shutterstock.

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Why are far-right parties popular with young people? We talk to Martin Bogomilov Penov, Bulgaria's young European ambassador and a student at Manchester University: How is the far right developing in Bulgaria? Also in this episode: Cosmin Țugui, a student at the Faculty of Law at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi, Romania, and Laurin John, co-host of the German edition of the Europe is us podcast.
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our podcast on international youth, with the first part of the season focusing on young people and politics, in the run-up to the European elections.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Goutte d'encre on Shutterstock.

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
In this episode, we spoke to Eliška Volencová, a journalist from the Czech Republic, about the place of women in her country.
You will also hear from Petra Meier, a political scientist at the University of Antwerp, and Leonor Caldeira, a campaigner and lawyer in Portugal.
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our podcast on European youth, with the first part of the season focusing on young people and politics, in the run-up to the European elections.
This podcast is brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Dino Subašić: European Union.

Friday Mar 01, 2024
Friday Mar 01, 2024
In this episode, we talked to Nomi Hrast, a Slovenian activist. What is activism in her opinion? Does it really have to happen in a radical form only? What are the topics Nomi cares about enough to devote her energy for? Listen to this episode of our podcast to find out more.
In this episode, you can also hear from Hanah Lahe, youngest Member of the Parliament in Estonia.
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our podcast on European youth, with the first part of the season focusing on young people and politics, in the run-up to the European elections.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: European Parliament.

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Is youth making enough big of an effort to be informed about politics? Who does she believe has to inform youth about politics? we talked to Sofia, a student from Slovakia, to find out more.
In this episode, we also hear from other young Europeans: Emilis Mikulskis, Vice-President of the Lithuanian Students Union, and Iliyan Havladjiev from Bulgaria. What are their sources of information? Is youth more interested into politics when wars occur?
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our podcast on European youth, with the first part of the season focusing on young people and politics, in the run-up to the European elections.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Carlo Prearo on Shutterstock.

Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international youth podcast. Our new season is all about young people and politics in the run-up to the European elections. What do they want from the EU? And from the European elections?
In our first episode, we spoke to Mara Theresa Grimminger, president of the Young European Federalists in Belgium, who identifies herself as a European.
And there's more from other European GenZers: Lara Heising from Germany, Anej Irgolič from Slovenia and Andrei Stupu from Romania. Will they vote and why or why not? Listen to this episode to find out.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Euranet Plus with Canva images.

Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 42nd episode, Reading, we talked to Dino Pešut, Croatian playwright, writer, and poet. Is social media affecting our reading habits? Who are his readers and what do they choose to read? Listen to the podcast to find out more about his novel Daddy Issues as well.
In this episode, you can also hear from two Belgian teenagers, Arthur and Edgar, who reflect on how and when they read, and Emil Radev, Bulgarian Member of the European Parliament, who became Ambassador of Libraries in the EP in 2014.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: sebra on Shutterstock.

Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 41st episode, Privacy, we talked to Triine Kose, Student of Information, Society and Social Wellbeing at Tartu University in Estonia. What is she cautious about regarding her personal data on her social media accounts? If the product is free, are we the product? Listen to the podcast to find out more.
In this episode, you can also hear Marko Puschner, independent professional associate at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, who is also Content Coordinator at Safe.si – Slovenian Internet Safe Use Awareness Point. You can take a listen at his comment on privacy protection culture in Slovenia.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: SpeedKingz on Shutterstock.

Friday Dec 01, 2023
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 40th episode, Lost in Transition, we talked to Valentina Ciobanu, Public Policy Vice President at CT Romania, a Romanian NGO representing Romanian youth on the national and international level. Who are people neither in education, employment, or training, and what are the factors behind their situation? Listen to the podcast to find out more.
In this episode, you can also hear Miguel Fontes, Portuguese Secretary of State for Labor, describing how hard it is to define NEETs. Our colleagues at RTBF, the Belgian public broadcaster, talked to Matteo, a young NEET, who describes his situation of knocking on doors, which are not accessible to everyone, as he puts it. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: carballo on Shutterstock.

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 39th episode, Money, we talked to Pietro Valetto, an Economics Author at Will Media in Milan, an Associate at the Economic Society for Bocconi Students, and Co-founder of EU&U, a platform that aims at promoting active citizenship through the creation and diffusion of a feeling of European identity and solidarity. Listen to the episode, if you want to hear his tips and tricks on saving money. In this episode, you can also listen to opinions of students from Belgium and Bulgaria, who share their concerns regarding the lagging of the schooling system when it comes to communicating financial literacy, and the extent of influence on a young person of the financial situation at home. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: fizkes on Shutterstock.

Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 38th episode, Lowering The Voting Age, we talked to Karim Ziady, a councillor of the city of Paris. His work involves communicating with youth on a daily basis. Are 16-year-olds ready to vote? Are they too influenced by opinions of their parents? Listen to the podcast to find out more.
In this episode, you can also hear Rouven Piesch, Speaker of the Europe Direct Center in Gütersloh, Germany, which reflects on the German government's decision to lower the voting age, and Francisco Camacho, president of Portuguese Juventude Popular, which is against voting from the age of 16.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: _Ms_Jane_Campbell on Shutterstock.

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 37th episode, The War Goes On, we talked to Yaryina Vyshenska, who migrated from Ukraine to Germany after the Russian invasion. She founded Sylni, an organization assisting the victims of sexual abuse during the war in Ukraine. How is the situation back at home still affecting her everyday life? Is the EU supporting Ukraine enough in her opinion? Listen to the podcast to find out more.
In this episode, you can also hear Théo Marchal, a student from Brussels, Belgium, who says we might forget about Ukraine due to other disputes around the world. Volodymyr Semerii, who moved from Ukraine to Estonia, also discusses the amount of EU's support for Ukraine. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Halfpoint on Shutterstock.

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 36th episode, Erasmus+, we talked to Anne Damiani from France, who says that the exchange program changed her life significantly. Do Erasmus+ friendships last? How did Anne's Erasmus+ experience make her move abroad years after her exchange in Germany? Listen to the podcast to find out more.
In this episode, you can also hear from Pedro Dimas, a 22-year-old who faced bureaucratic challenges during his exchange in Italy. He adds, that student grants are not high enough.
We also talked to Eugen Tomac, a Romanian Member of the European Parliament, who shared what impresses him the most about the 35-year-old program.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Akhenaton Images on Shutterstock.

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 35th episode, The Impact of Digital Transformation on Young Musicians, we talked to Sonja Agata Bišćan, a Croatian performer and Master's degree holder in Musicology. How important is appearance in music? Do you have to be funny nowadays to reach a wider audience? Listen to the podcast to find out more.
In this episode, you can also hear from Matteo, a DJ from Brussels, who says all young artists face the same obstacles, and also from Roberto Caetano, lead singer, and guitarist at the music band "First Breath After Coma".
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: VH-studio on Shutterstock.

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 34th episode, Young Europeans and Drugs, we talked to Marko Verdenik, who is working at DrogArt, a Slovenian social enterprise focused on limiting the use of drugs. How do they connect with youth through music festivals? Is the use of drugs spreading out from urban communities to Slovenian villages? How to help an overdosed person? Listen to the podcast to find out more.
In this episode, you can also hear from Diana, a 17-year-old from Bulgaria, who shares why Bulgarian youth seek drugs. She adds that depression and sadness are a part of a trend in her social circle nowadays.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Branislav Cerven on Shutterstock.

Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 33rd episode, Love and Relationships, we talked to Sacha Loison, a student from France. What is he looking for in a relationship? Is he thinking about marriage and children in his student days?
In this episode, you can also hear from Eric Hegmann, a podcaster, couples therapist, and author from Germany, who says that two-thirds of young Germans actually want marriage and that a good third finds marriage totally outdated. Aljoša, an almost 19 years old Slovenian student, shares why honesty in relationships is important to him.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: PeopleImages.com - Yuri A.

Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 32nd episode, Vocational Skills, we talked to Dimitris Athanasiadis, a Greek student looking for opportunities around Europe. How important were trainings for his field of studies? What's the educational system in Greece like, why do many young people from Greece have to seek job positions elsewhere?
In this episode, you can also hear from Nuno Crato, former Portuguese minister for Education and Science, who presented the number of professional courses students in Portugal, and Daniel David, professor of clinical psychology and psychotherapy at the University of Cluj-Napoca, who explained the importance of not ignoring declarative knowledge.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Bizi88 on Shutterstock.

Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 31st episode, Sleep, we talked to Krzysztof Nakonieczny, a content creator from Poland. How does his work affect his sleep? Did he sleep better in his student days? How big of a role does coffee play when it comes to sleep quality? Listen to Krzysztof's answers, to find out.
In this episode, you can also hear from Laurin John, a German Co-Host of Europe Is Us podcast, who reflects on his high caffeine consumption, while Cyprien, a student from Strasbourg, shares his experience of using a phone to control his sleep time. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: tommaso79 on Shutterstock.

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 30th episode, Sports, we talked to Jussi Vainikka, a contributor for Finnish Yle, interested in football. Is money a common motivation to go into sports? How important is family support for young athletes? Listen to Jussi's answers, to find out.
In this episode, you can also hear from Vitor Pataco, President of the Portuguese Institute for Sports and Youth (IPDJ), who told us about "All in", a program focusing on gender parity. Gabriel Bitan, a performance athlete from Romania, told us how important passion is in sports.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Drazen Zigic on Shutterstock.

Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 29th episode, Homophobia, we talked to Javier Marquez Muñoz, a Spanish journalist. He told us about the violent homophobic attacks across Spain, the influence of religion on public opinion, but also the differences between urban communities and Spanish villages.
In this episode, you can also hear from Manuel Moreira, a Portuguese actor promoting equality, and Florin Buhuceanu, who is the president of the ACCEPT Association, the first non-governmental human rights organization in Romania that defends LGBTIQA+ rights on the national level.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Egoitz Bengoetxea on Shutterstock.

Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 28th episode, Gaming Without Shaming, we talked to Mihail Ivanov, a 17-years old gamer from Bulgaria. We talked about the influence of video games on youth, online socialization, learning languages, and discovering historical facts through gaming, but also online violence and actions to stop it.
In this episode, you can also hear from Gonçalo and Kamil, young gamers from Portugal and Poland, who agree that games have many positive aspects to them and that the number of women playing them is growing each day.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: AlessandroBiascioli on Shutterstock.

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. In the 27th episode, we are discussing the lack of trust in science, conspiracy theories among youth, and the importance of communication channels regarding scientific explanations. We talked to Boris Abramović, a Croatian journalist at Index.hr, who says Croatians were scared of the pandemic because of the communication style of Croatian politics, and the media later on as well. In this episode, you can also listen to M. D. Plamen Panayotov, who received an award for administering the largest number of vaccines against COVID-19 of all family doctors in Bulgaria, who says Bulgarians don't trust their government therefore they don't trust scientists as well, and Tiago Correira, an International Health professor at IHMT-NOVA and editor-in-chief of the international academic magazine Journal of Health Planning and Management. He pointed out that Portugal is a story of success when it comes to vaccination rates during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Khakimullin Aleksandr on Shutterstock.

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. Our guest this time was Esra Karakuş, a student from Strasbourg who still hasn't decided where she'd like to work. She does see herself in diplomacy, though. With her, we discussed the job market in Strasbourg and the importance of finishing studies and having work experience before applying for a job.
In The Watchdog's Perspective, we heard from Adam, a young journalist from Poland, who shared his career uncertainty with us; he wanted to be a programmer before, a cartoonist even. He ended up enjoying his role as a journalist.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: sirtravelalot on Shutterstock.

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. Our guest this time is Rachel Rochelle, who came to Sweden from Uganda; she took a look back at her journey and commented on the biggest differences between the two countries, issues with documents and schooling she is facing, and the importance of her family being beside her in the time of her migration transition.
In The Watchdog's Perspective, we listened to an interview prepared by Myriam Baele, a journalist at RTBF, the Belgian public broadcaster. She talked to Sian, who traveled for 11 months to reach Belgium, about his dreams and the meaning of a successful life for him.
And Alexandra Crivilaru from JRS, a refugee service in Romania, tells us that many young migrants in Romania go from saying: "I know that I will return home", to changing this phrase to: "I will make a living here, in Romania."
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Mehmet Ali Poyraz on Shutterstock.

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. Žan Luca Potočnik, a member of the Laboratory for the diagnostics of physical and motor development at the Faculty of Sport in Ljubljana, Slovenia, was our guest, with whom we compared body development of youth at a different age, talked about the influence of social media on the body image of youth, and also the reasons why Žan Luca picked sports as his primary interest. Our guest in our regular section The Watchdog's Perspective was Amelie Förster, a journalist from the German member of the Euranet Plus radio network, Ams. We also heard from youth from Estonia, Poland, Slovenia, Kärg, Karolina, and Jakob. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Max kegfire on Shutterstock.

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. Matas Saladžius, who went through military service in Lithuania, was our main guest in this episode. The young musician took us through the times he spent in the army, where he found time for creating music as well. Although the army is, as he says, "a soup full of everything", he found a creative company and even played in an army band. He found the service as a great way to improve the teamwork aspect, and he recommends it to everyone. We traveled around Europe and talked to Arūnas Balčiūnas, Head of the Military Conscription and Recruitment Service of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, Georgi Angelov, a journalist at Free Europe Bulgaria, and Mateusz Kulik, a journalist at Polish Radio as well. Mart Valner from Raadio Kuku, based in Estonia, was our guest in our regular section The Watchdog's Perspective. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić.

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth. Welcome to the second season! With this episode, we started the year in a relaxing way, discussing wishes and resolutions for 2023. We talked to Amelie Schneider, an Austrian student studying in Paris. She compared both cities, the diversity in them, and the public transport, she told us about the fear of loneliness, but also the energy among students, who welcomed many from Russia and Ukraine as well, due to the conflict happening in their countries. Lidija Petković was our guest in our regular section The Watchdog's Perspective. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić.

Friday Dec 23, 2022
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European Year of Youth. In this episode, we bring you a selection of excerpts from our Euranet Plus Youth Summit, which took place in early December. Entitled 'Europe at play', it brought together MEPs and influencers (moderator Quentin Deschandelliers, Marcos Moschovidis, Lukaš Fritscher, and Karim Hallal Peche).
The focus was on what the European Year of Youth has managed to unlock this year, the need to have a 'youth test' in European legislation, but also the concerns and challenges of today's young people, from mental health issues to employment, relationships, social inequalities or climate change, which should be addressed. Finally, policy needs to work on ways to better engage with young people so that they themselves can engage with their future.
Journalists from the Europe is us! team also had the opportunity to ask questions to MEPs - listen to this episode to find out more.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić.

Friday Dec 16, 2022
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European Year of Youth. Our 20th episode is a special one as our guest in the European Parliament in Strasbourg was Kira Marie Peter-Hansen, the youngest-ever Member of the European Parliament. The Danish 24 years old MEP is a part of the European Free Alliance/The Greens. She told us what it's like to be in her role and how she looks at the European Year of Youth at the very end of it. She is the vice chair of the Subcommittee on Tax Matters, a member of four committees in the European Parliament, and a substitute at two of them, including the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality. Known as a fighter for a green, feminist, and solidary Europe she stressed the importance of making the Digital Euro project as green and as sustainable as possible. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Dmitry Mayer, Shutterstock.

Friday Dec 02, 2022
Friday Dec 02, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. In the 19th episode, we are talking about the field of artificial intelligence. Alessandro Ciociola, a PhD student in Electrical, Electronics, and Communications Engineering at Politecnico di Torino in Italy, and Chief Technical Officer at OccupyAI, was our guest. Artur Panasiuk, a journalist at Polskie Radio, a member of the Euranet Plus network, told us about how high Poland ranks in the development of AI in our regular section The Watchdog's Perspective in which we collect comments from journalists across Europe. In this podcast, you can also hear from Blaž Zupan, head of the bioinformatics laboratory at Slovenia's Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics in Ljubljana, who answered if Slovenia is ensuring the safe use of AI among young people. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Shutterstock.

Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. In the 18th episode, we are talking about and with the European youth and their experience with media. We talked to Jovan Đukić, a student from Serbia, about the media freedom situation in his country. Andri Disha, a Greek journalist, who was a part of the Youth4Regions media programme, organized by the European Commission, was our guest in our regular section The Watchdog's Perspective in which we collect comments from journalists across Europe. In this podcast, you can also hear from Kristina Dimova and Christoph Schwaiger, who told us about the presence of fake news on social media. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Shutterstock.

Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. In the 17th episode, we are talking about precarious work. We took a closer look at the situation in France and talked to Yoann Schanzenbacher, a hairdresser who even experienced aggressive situations with his employer. Thomas Rocher from Euradio was our guest in our regular section The Watchdog's Perspective in which we collect comments from journalists across Europe. In this podcast, you can also hear Andrey Alexandrov, who shared with us the perspective of a Bulgarian lawyer on this topic. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Shutterstock.

Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. In the 16th episode, we are discussing the climate crisis. Can a change on the personal level be one of the solutions to it? How important is the role of young activists? We talked to Simona Meiler, a doctoral student at ETH Zürich, who told us that the role of activists is a theme at academic roundtables as well. Thomas Rocher from Euradio was our guest in our regular section The Watchdog's Perspective in which we collect comments from journalists across Europe. In this podcast, you can also hear from Xavier, a young farmer from Belgium, who took over his father's farm to look for sustainable farming solutions. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Shutterstock.

Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. In the 15th episode, we are taking a closer look at the role of youth in the process of digitalisation. How do the levels of digitalisation differ in different countries? How did that affect schooling, and how can a young mind find a solution? We talked to Dean Celaj, a Harvard student from Albania, who created a digital platform, which is now used in Albanian public schools. Luana Plesea from Radio Romania explained how poverty created a gap between Romanian pupils who did not have the same access to internet during the times of distant schooling. Alina from Germany told us that she would like to see a subject about digitalisation in German schools. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Shutterstock.

Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. The main focus of this episode is on the gender gap; how does it differ in different countries? Is it enough to have women in position to reach equality? How does legislation influence the gap between genders? We discussed the situation in Malta, where a strict abortion law is still affecting society. How can we spot the gender gap at the workplace? Amée Zoutberg, a journalist from the Netherlands provided us with her observations. Belle de Jong, a content creator from the Netherlands, who lived and worked in Malta and then changed it for Belgium took us on a tour through her experiences while explaining the impact of the gender gap in different environments. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Shutterstock.

Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. For this special episode, Youth and politics, we went to Strasbourg to talk to Niklas Nienaß, a 30-year-old German Member of the European Parliament from the Greens, about his experience of being a young politician. We talked about the priorities he is focusing on, about his workdays, the ways young politicians work in teams with older colleagues, the European Year of Youth, and the importance of not forgetting about youth after the year of 2022. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić.

Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European Year of Youth.
The podcast discusses themes that interest the youth: from the problem of expensive housing to traps on social media, remote schooling, participation in politics to job opportunities and the importance of mental health.
In each episode, we host a guest who describes his experiences through the perspective of a young person. By talking to youth from different countries, we try to include as many different views.
In the twelfth episode, we are looking for relaxing holiday destinations. Which are the best ones in Montenegro? Our guest: Katica Nišavić.
In our regular section The Voice of Gen Z, we find space for voices of young people around Europe that are closely connected with the discussed theme. This time, we are travelling to Bulgaria, where Kristiyan told us why he enjoys travelling by train.
In our regular section The Watchdog’s Perspective, we are talking to journalists, the watchdogs of the society, from different countries in order to better understand different environments and see the bigger picture of occurring problems. Jonė Sąlygaitė from Žiniu radijas, based in Lithuania, presented a few must see destinations in Lithuania.
Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić.

Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. In the eleventh episode, we are discussing internet regulation. How to check suspicious funding backgrounds? Our guest: Oleksandr Pomoshnikov, Chief Business Development Officer at YouControl. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Brett Jordan on Unsplash.

Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. In the tenth episode, we are focusing on housing. What is the recommendation of a young architect for solving your first housing problem? Our guest: Lukáš Nechajev, student of architecture in Prague. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Matthew Henry on Unsplash.

Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. In the ninth episode, we are talking about trends in modern European art. Why do young artists have to be flexible? Our guest: Renske de Vries, historian and performance artist. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash.

Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. In the eighth episode, we are focusing on distant learning. How did it affect the youth and the schooling system? What is it like to teach and learn remotely? Our guest: Erik Babič, Co-founder of Empatiko, an Institute for Improvement of Life Quality. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Alexandr Podvalny on Unsplash.

Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. In the seventh episode, we are taking a closer look at The Conference on the Future of Europe. What can we expect from it? How do the priorities of countries recovering from war differ from the priorities of the economically strong EU member states? Our guest: Armin Poljak, Young European Ambassador from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Jaime Lopes, Unsplash.

Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. In the sixth episode, our main topic is migration. Don't we all have a migration story in our family? How flexible are national educational systems during the migration wave from Ukraine? Our guest: Susanna Veevo, founder of Peace Action Community Estonia and Policy and Advocacy Officer at the Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash.

Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. In the fifth episode, we are talking about job opportunities: how does the regional perspective differ from the national one? What is La España vaciada? Our guest: Irene Barahona Fernández, an activist from Zamora. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash.

Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. In the fourth episode, we are talking about the mental health crisis among youth. Guest: Kaja Głomb from the Institute of Applied Psychology at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Host: Dino Subašić. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Photo by Joshua Fuller on Unsplash.

Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. In the third episode, we are discussing social media: what are its traps? How do we recognize fake news? Our guest: Kristina Dimova, a social media expert from Bulgaria. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Unsplash.

Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. In the second episode, we are talking about the war in Ukraine. How does it affect the youth? Our guest: Valeria Pavlenko, who was in Kyiv during the first Russian attacks. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić. Photo: Антон Дмитриев@unsplash.com

Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to our international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. In the first episode, we are discussing Generation Z: what is it? What are its advantages and where does it need support? Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić.
Photo by Zachary Nelson on Unsplash.

Europe is us!
An international podcast focusing on youth brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić.